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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The new daily norm (Day 5)

There seems to be a pattern here.  Each night I wake up a few times.  Not a big deal but not as nice as 8 straight hours of sleep.  Each morning I have a slight head ache, nothing two tylenols won't cure.  I always feel a little sick, not really queasy but close to it.  The main issue is being tired all the time.  I think it best to just ignore that and try to do a normal days activities.  I worked yesterday and it wasn't too bad to make it through the day.  I know, who works on Memorial Day?  Actually lots of people.  Those who work in restaurants, gas stations, stores, the police, fire, hospitals, lots of people.  They should make a special holiday just for people who work holidays.

Monday, May 30, 2011

YouTube - Military Taps

YouTube - Military Taps

In honor of all of those who gave their lives for this country.  I hope that some day people learn to live together without war.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


We went for a walk in the Bay City State Recreation Area.  5 miles!  Time for a nap now.

Feel a little worse today

I woke up a few times too many last night.  Had a slight headache this morning and feel somewhat crappy.  My temperature went up a little.  It was 100 but that was with the Sponge Bob thermometer.  Checked again with the real thermometer and it was just under 99.  I will keep an eye on it.  If it gets to 100.5 I am supposed to call the doctor.  Most likely an antibiotic would be prescribed.  I am getting tired of just sitting around the house.  We are planning to take a walk in a little bit.  I think that might help me feel better.

"Chia Head"

Glenn Rivera - Multimedia - SNL SNIPS: "Chia Head"

So far no hair loss.  I saw this the other day and it reains the best option so far...

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Yesterday went quite well.  No problems with nausea.  Had a slight headache.  Felt a little tired and it is hard to describe but it makes you feel different.  Not really sick but not really not sick.  Had to go to the hospital to get a shot.  It is suppose to raise your white blood counts to make up for the ones killed by the chemo.

So far I have lost no hair.  I have been thinking of what to do when it happens.  So far this looks to be the best solution.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Last night

I slept pretty well.  The nurse said the steroids can can insomnia but I did OK.  Woke up at 2:00 AM.  My mouth so really dry, had to get up a drink some more water.  Woke up again at 6:30 and I feel pretty good so far.

Pictures from yesterday

Here is the view out the window of the room I got the chemo.  It is Val, Greg and Kim's high school.  Good thing they did not use the other side of the building. You would bet a view of St. Stan's cemetery.

 The first chemo drug.  It was a nice pretty pink, looks kinda like fruit punch.  An added feature, it turns your urine pink and red.  Quite festive!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

So far so good.

We were at the hospital for 4 hours.  They had to do some blood work and could not start until they checked my blood counts.  After that they explained in detail the process and probable side effects.  They are really nice people.  I have noticed everyone I have seen since this cancer started are all really nice people.  In addition to the chemo drugs they gave me a drug to combat any nausea, some benedryl and a steroid.  I came home and ate, tomato soup with rice and a grilled cheese.  No issues so far.  She said it might show up in a day or two.. I have a prescription to take every 12 hours and another to take if I get queasy.   I hope it isn't necessary.  We will se how it goes overnight.

Today is the day.

It is finally here.  Time for the first Chemo treatment.  It starts at 1:00.  I will post on how it goes.